Friday, May 3, 2013

Larkin age 6.5

It's sounds cliche but it's true--Larkin is growing up so fast! I remember one day when she was about four we were reading a book together in her bed. We finished the book and she pulled her foot out of the covers to look at an itch. We both simultaneously noticed that her foot seemed different. Suddenly her eyes grew wide and she said, "Oh my gosh, my foot is huge!!! I think it grew last night!"  I feel like I have that big foot moment with her every few months--only it's not just her foot! 

 About two months into the school year she came home and told Joel, "Dad, I've fallen in love." In the ten plus years I've known Joel I've never seen him speechless--until this day! She explained that her friend Kian was just so nice, funny, and polite to everyone and that she "just loves him." Kian feels the same way about her and they've been great friends ever since. They get together for playdates, play with each other at recess, sit by each other at lunch, and hug at the end of the day. They did endure some teasing from other kids--"Go play with your boyfriend!" but Larkin did a great job of explaining that he was not her boyfriend but was her friend, and didn't let all the teasing affect the friendship.

Inside the envelope was a cute picture with hearts, a Catholic prayer card, and a third place ribbon.

Larkin also joined Girl Scouts this year and I am the leader of her troop. At the beginning of the year they had an information session about Girl Scouts and Larkin was at first excited to join. Then when it came time to walk into the cafeteria to sign up she was crying and clutching my leg saying, "Please don't sign me up! Please don't do it!! I DO NOT want to be a Girl Scout!" She often has anxiety with new things, so of course I signed her up and also volunteered to be the leader! It's turned out to be a lot of fun though-she has made some good friends and I've had fun watching her interact with everyone.

headed out to sell Girl Scout cookies
all dressed up for Girl Scout father-daughter dance
tie-dying shirts with one of her favorite friends from our troop

Larkin's reading has also taken off this year. The other day at home I couldn't find Larkin and asked Willa if she knew where she was. Willa said, "Well wherever she is I bet she is either reading or writing because that's all she ever does anymore." As soon as she gets home from school she usually gets a snack and then grabs a sheet of paper and starts to write. Or she grabs a book and asks if anyone wants to listen to her read.
I have to be careful now what I leave sitting around the house--she reads the newspaper, text messages, my to-do lists, really anything she can get her hands on. The biggest challenge I have is just keeping enough books around here for her to read. The other day I went to the library and got her enough books that I thought would last about a week. She read for probably two hours that day (on and off) and finished the whole stack!!

here she is making a venn diagram for fun
she is always reading-even in the grocery store!

Larkin is also a great older sister. She is my ultra-responsible one that I can always count on if I need an extra pair of eyes to watch the baby. The other day Larkin was making a list of "things to do in the summer when you are bored" and one of the items on her list was "play with Sadie if she is awake." I thought that was sweet that playing with Sadie was something that she would choose to do!

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