Saturday, August 13, 2011

hog wild

Joel joined a hunting lease this year and the girls were so excited when they heard that he had shot a hog the night before. He asked them if they wanted to come to the ranch with him to "take care of the hog" (I will omit the details here) and they immediately ran to get dressed. I skipped out on my prenatal yoga class, Joel skipped out on work, and we all drove to the "Daddy's big ranch" to find the dead hog. Classy!

In the past Joel has told the girls that they can come hunting with him whenever they want to, but Larkin said she won't go until she gets a "hunting dress" and that she only wants to shoot things with her pop gun, not a real gun. Willa gets very bossy (no surprise there) about what Joel can and cannot shoot and always tells him before he leaves--"Daddy, do NOT shoot a baby deer or a mommy deer, just a big buck! You can shoot a hog though!"

When we arrived at the ranch we spotted two bunnies and both girls had fun walking around "hunting" with their pop guns. The were not grossed out or upset by the hog at all, and I'd be willing to bet that they will become hunting partners with Joel someday. Well, if we can find some hunting dresses!

Must teach Larkin to shoot with her eyes open!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hamilton Pool

A few weekends ago we took the girls to Hamilton Pool. It's a natural pool that is inside of a collapsed grotto, so most of it is very shaded. So shaded in fact that the girls said they were "cold"--and it was 100 degrees outside!!
Their favorite part was climbing on all the boulders--they would have done this all day long if we had let them!