Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Great Aunt Mary

visiting Mary in Florida
My Great Aunt Mary passed away yesterday, Jan 24. She moved to Round Rock from New York (via Florida) to be closer to family, so we got to see her a lot over the past few years. She spent most of her last years in an assisted living center close to my parents' house. The girls have lots of memories of visiting her there. We'd usually show up and sneak in some favorite food for her--salty french fries or ice cream, and the girls would spread out one of her sheets and picnic on her floor while she sat in her big pink chair and visited with us.

Mary was the one who suggested the name Larkin to us--her mother was named Mary Larkin. Aunt Mary said that Larkin was the name that she had always wanted to use if she had had children.

Once Mary got transferred to the nursing home (maybe 6 months ago), we talked to the girls about how she was getting older and wasn't able to take care of herself as easily anymore. Larkin remembered that Gramma Ruth died in a nursing home and she asked if Auntie Mary was going to die too. We talked about how she might die but we weren't sure when, and that she had lived a great life and was fortunate to have lived so long. Willa was very confused by the situation, and every time we'd visit Mary in the nursing home Willa would say something along the lines of, "Auntie Mary! You're alive!!! I thought you died!!" or "Bye Aunt Mary! I'll miss you when you die!" Then Willa would look at our faces and could tell that we were mortified that she said something like that--and she'd turn bright red in embarrassment. But each time we'd visit, she'd say something similar again. Mary got a big kick out of it though and would just talk about "how cute that Willa is!"

Mary was the kind of person that never forgot your birthday, always enjoyed talking over a cup of Earl Grey tea, and had a memory as sharp as a stick. She was full of funny stories of all the "upstairs and downstairs Wigmores." She loved good food and when she lived in Florida she'd always want to take us all out for a "nice meal" each time she visited. She never knew any of the restaurants in Austin and always left the choosing up to my dad, but would say things like, "Make sure it's a good one!! I don't care how much it costs--I want it to be nice!" One time he chose a famous Texas BBQ place with the thought that the food would be good and it'd be something Texas-y. Turns out the place was BYOB (and Mary wanted a drink), cash only (Mary only had her credit card), and the seating was on picnic tables with plastic plates (gasp!). Mary just about had a heart attack then and there. She never let my dad live that one down!

Thanks for all the time you spent with us and the great memories, Aunt Mary. Willa was right-we do miss you!


24 hrs in San Antonio

Last weekend we took the girls to San Antonio (or San-e-o Tone-e-o, as they used to call it!). The other day Larkin was talking to Uncle Matt on the phone and it was so funny to hear her tell him about the weekend.

Here is Larkin's retelling, along with some pics!

We went to San Antonio and had so much fun. We did like a HUNDRED things. We got to stay in a hotel for a WHOLE night! And it had a couch that pulled out into a king sized bed! Mom and Dad had their own bed too! And there was a pool on the roof and we got to explore the hotel! And we went on a boat ride but Willa was afraid of the tunnels. We went to the Japanese Tea Garden but they didn't have any tea, just a pretty garden. And we rode a trolley AND a bus AND a train! 

Guadalupe River State Park

The girls said, "Too bad Uncle Ryan isn't here. He would LOVE to catch these fish!"

lots of walkways to explore in the Japanese Tea Gardens

Willa on the climbing wall

Riverwalk--on heart shaped island right outside our hotel--lots of weddings take place on the tiny island

snoozin on the Riverwalk boat

Witte Museum

a gaggle of girls in the hotel room
Toot Toot is just Too Loud
They laughed hysterically the entire 1 1/2 hr drive home. Seriously.

fun with Dad

The girls have been spending much more time with Joel lately when I'm busy with the baby. It seems like they are much more attached to him now--they are always asking what time he'll be home and how many days until the weekend. You never know what they'll be up to--hunting, fishing, biking, stopping to check out roadkill (porcupine and hog this month!), or just snuggling and reading some books. I'm always amazed at how much they accomplish in a day! Larkin has a whole new vocabulary from their time together. Just yesterday she was singing a song to the baby that included the words, "whack 'em, stack 'em, hogs in the boneyard."Sadie laughed harder than we'd ever seen her do before. One thing is for sure--these are Bock girls through and through!

Reading one of their favorite books-Tikki Tikki Tembo

checking out the view in a deer stand

red touch yellow, kill a fellow!

Fishing the Blanco

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Who does she look like?

Everyone is always asking if Sadie looks like either of her sisters when they were babies. When Sadie was first born I thought she looked a lot like Willa, but now I think she's starting to change a bit!

Sadie's hair is pretty brown, and Willa's has always been blonde. Larkin's was blonde too but looks dark in the picture below. They all three have blue eyes, at least for now!

Anyway here's some pics of all three girls when they were three months old!


recent pics

If only Sadie could talk- "What are these girls doing to me?!"

Sadie studying Willa's every move

tummy time!

first laugh!

snuggly sisters