Tuesday, October 25, 2011

recent pics

Here's some recent pics from life around here. I wish I had the energy to write a long post, but it's 9pm and I have a long night ahead of me. A few nights ago everyone in the house was asleep by 8:30! Although I will say that Sadie is a great sleeper and has been giving us at least one stretch each night of 4-6 straight hours of sleep...so we are thankful for that!
sleeping superman-style

Story time with Willa

We finally did Larkin's pinata from her birthday!

Willa took this picture

Harley and the girls hanging out in Sadie's room while she sleeps. Shortly after this I added a child lock to the door!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sadie Brynn

Here are some pics of our new family member! Sadie Brynn was born at 10:35 PM on Oct 9. She weighed 8 lbs 3 oz and is 20 1/4 inches long.

Larkin and Willa were both born in the hospital, but for this pregnancy we decided to go with a midwife at a birth center. It was a wonderful experience!  My water broke at home, Grandma came over to take the girls to her house, and then we waited for my labor to kick in. Eventually it finally started (took a while, and was slow to get going--I kept hearing people tell me that the third baby is a "wild card" and don't expect it to be like your others--which turned out to be true!) and once the contractions were strong enough we headed to the birth center. An hour later, Sadie was born!

The birth center keeps the room warm and the lights very dim when the baby is born, and the baby doesn't get whisked away to get weighed, measured, washed, etc. They just sponge her off and keep her there with you, which was nice. Sadie cried a little bit right when she was born but then she just looked around with her big blue eyes and took everything in. We all fell asleep together and then by 6am were headed home. We called Grandma and had her bring the girls home, and they were so excited. Joel and I were sleeping with Sadie in our room, and the girls ran in to wake us up. Willa squealed when she saw her and Sadie started making some little newborn sounds. Willa ran back outside and yelled, "Larkin! I saw the baby!!! And she said Eeekk Eeekk Eeekk!"

Overall Sadie is the easiest baby yet out of all three of them. She is a great sleeper (so far) and hardly ever cries. When she does cry, she is easily consoled. She likes to listen to the girls talk to her and just stares at them mesmerized. Willa made up the cutest little song for her about "the world" and sings it to her often. I'm hoping to get it recorded and put it on the blog. Larkin would hold Sadie all day long if I let her. The other day she skipped her favorite cartoon and refused her favorite snack because she wanted to hold Sadie instead. So they snuggled together on the couch for over an hour! 


Sadie at the birth center
holding Sadie for the first time

Willa's first words about Sadie: "She is so cute! When will she be five?"
Cat-Mama has been a big help!Thanks Cat-Mama!!

The girls love to watch her every move!

Snuggle sisters
First shampoo

The pink lovey is in a lot of pictures--the girls are constantly "giving" it to her to snuggle with.

family of five

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Larkin is five!

 Auntie Lisa came down to visit for Larkin's fifth birthday. Unfortunately Larkin came down with a stomach bug the night before her big day, but she pulled it together long enough to open presents! Luckily we had just planned a small family party.
 The girls decorated the cake with Lisa. Lots of sprinkles and decorations on the Ariel cake! Larkin picked out the Ariel candle and was very excited about it!
Willa was such a trooper and did not get jealous at Larkin's gifts or candles. I love how happy she looks in this pic as Larkin gets ready to blow out her candles!
 Here's the 5 pinata that we still have not broken! The plan was to have some neighborhood friends over and do the pinata with them for her birthday, but with the stomach bug and busy weekends with baby prep we never got around to it. Hopefully this weekend we'll do it!

Monday, October 3, 2011

end of summer

The girls reading to their doll in the bassinet
The new baby should be here any day now, and the girls can not wait!  Willa keeps asking when the baby will "hatch out" and they are constantly trying to come up with possible names. Some recent ones they've thought of are: Cotton, Violet, Rose, Heart Rainbow, and Flower. When I mention any possible names they are often quick to come up with reasons why that would be a terrible name. One day Willa got a bit exasperated and said, "Mom, I'm tired of all of this (coming up with names). Let's just name her Pink Flower, OK?!"

I'm happy to say though that we've found a name that all four of us agree on, although the girls do not really know which name we've picked...but when the name was mentioned a few times as a possibility it was one of the few that they both liked. :) Hopefully the announcement will come soon!

The heat wave has finally broken, but here's some pics from a few weeks ago when we were outside trying to stay cool!

Mud fight!

Playing beauty shop outside--washing hair, and watering the grass too!