Sunday, November 4, 2012


 For Halloween this year Larkin said she wanted to be a butterfly and Willa wanted to be a Packer football player. Every time someone would ask Willa what her costume was going to be, she'd smirk and say, "You're going to love it. Daddy watches it on TV all the time." Then she'd wait a second for you to respond, as if you knew exactly what she was talking about. Then she'd look a little exasperated and say, "I'm going to be a Packer football player!!"

Once she saw Larkin painting her wings, she decided that she would be "A Packer football player wearing wings for fun." So then she painted her own set of wings too! Sadie did not dress as anything really--just some Halloween attire!

We went trick or treating with a lot of the kids that live on our street. Here they all are:

I went along with everyone for about 10 minutes but then couldn't keep up--the girls were sprinting to each house. I left them with Joel and headed back home to pass out candy. We had a record number of kids trick-or-treat at our house! Sadie and I sat on the sidewalk for part of the night and she had a great time spilling all the candy and then putting it all back into the bowl!