Wednesday, March 28, 2012

iphone pics

 I forgot that I had some pics on my iphone. Here's a few more!

Rolling over now--both ways--but only when she feels like it, which is hardly ever!

We've been busy gardening! Everyday the girls spend at least an hour in the front yard tending to all their little seedlings and plants!
working to get the dirt "just right"--hours of mixing, shoveling, watering...and this is before we even planted anything!


Delicious toes

Creek in our neighborhood finally has water again! Yea!

Fishing in dresses--caught an alligator gar


Here's some pics from March--Sadie is five months in all of these. She's growing so fast!

She's sitting up with support now. She loves to be on her tummy though and that's something her sisters both hated!

Girls busy working on art to sell at their lemonade stand (plan to have one soon). With a lemonade pricetag of $12 I'm not sure that they'll sell much!!

Bath required after every feeding!! She tries to grab the spoon with each bite. Larkin and Willa did this too but not until much later. Sweet potatoes are her favorite!

We are on day 10 of Larkin's ear infection...two types of antibiotics and nothing is working yet. She wrote me this note one day and I thought it was sad but cute!

Joel and the girls scootered to the pool! It's about two miles round trip, and the girls loved every minute of it.

lots of entertainment during tummy time


Lately the girls have been playing "nest" for hours on end. They pretend to be birds or dinosaurs and build a nest out of blankets and keep their "precious eggs" warm. So needless to say they were super excited to paint real birdhouses. Willa always tries to do everything "just like Larkin" --hence the same rainbow rooftop and even same headband!!

Late Feb/March

Sorry for the long break in posting! Here's some pics from last month. Sadie started solid foods and it was a hit...for the big girls, that is! They were so excited to try the rice flakes and gobbled up huge handfuls of it. Sadie was not that impressed and let most of it dribble down her big cheeks. 

Over the past month I've been making pureed baby food and Willa always wants a bite. She watches me feed Sadie and then usually says something along the lines of, "Did you make enough of that for me too, Mom? I want it!"

Wait, how old are you girls?!

First taste of rice cereal. It's a month later now and she still doesn't like it!

Ready for takeoff!

My favorite pic!

almost 5 months old

sitting up is so fun!