Saturday, May 14, 2011

big sisters

About a month ago during dinner we told the girls some special news. The conversation went something like this:
Joel: Girls, we have a big surprise for you. Larkin, you know how you've been a big sister to Willa? Well now Willa is going to be a big sister too!
Larkin: Yeah cause she's getting bigger, so now she's a big sister.
Willa: Yeah I'm really big now! I'm not little!!
Jenny: Well no--Larkin is a big sister because she has Willa that's younger than her, and soon Willa will have someone younger than her too. (waiting for one of them to grasp what we're trying to say)
Larkin: Yeah, she's a big sister to Harley (the dog).
Joel: Nooo, not Harley. It's something else.
Willa: What is it?
(We continued to let them guess but they were totally clueless.)
Joel: Mom has a baby in her tummy, and that's going to be your little brother or sister!

(Both girls looked at me in disbelief and total confusion. )
Jenny: I'm pregnant.
Larkin: No you're not.
Jenny: Um, yes I am.
Larkin: No you're not!
Jenny: Yes, I am!
Larkin: No, you're not!
Jenny: Yes, I am!

This continued for at least 10 "no you're nots" along with a bunch of "well, how do you know?" followed by, "How does the doctor know?" Larkin looked totally floored. Willa began to grasp that it was true and started to squeal and pump her fists excitedly. Then Joel broke the news to Harley, and the girls thought that was so funny. They then went around the kitchen telling the chairs, table, plates, etc. that, "We're going to have a new baby!"
Then Larkin wanted to know who all knew about the baby already. "Does my friend Clay know? Does Susan know? etc." I told her that no one knew (not quite true) and she immediately wanted to run outside and tell the neighbors. They went to Susan's house next door and told her (she already knew but acted surprised), and then ran down the street and they beat Joel to Daphne's house. Daphne was already asleep and somehow (thankfully) slept through three doorbell rings and a bunch of tiny knocks on the door!

Needless to say, the girls are super excited. When I was putting the girls to bed the night we told them about the baby, Willa said, "Mommy, let's take the baby out tomorrow!" October 10th is going to be a long wait!

berry picking

Well I am falling terribly behind on this blog!

Auntie Laura, Uncle Matt and baby Ethan have moved to Austin! On one of their first few days here we took Laura and Ethan to pick strawberries. Ethan supervised on this trip but I'm sure that next year he'll be a picking machine just like Larkin and Willa!