Sunday, June 27, 2010

rock art

washing and painting rocks

Estimated time:
5 minutes to wash four dirty rocks
20-30 minutes to paint rocks

over an hour spent washing, splashing, and getting completely wet in the soapy water
10 minutes to paint

cursive writing and read aloud

While Willa was napping, Larkin said she was going to write a letter. I was getting dinner ready and set her up at the kitchen table to write. She sat there for over 30 minutes writing while I prepared dinner. The whole time she was writing I heard her saying things like, "Uncle Matt, you have a baby coming. How is the baby doing? Fine? Oh that's good. You live far away. You should come play with me" and then there was some, "Auntie Lisa, I miss you. Are you going hunting? Oh that's nice. Did you shoot a turkey? Oh great! I like hunting. We should do that together someday." This went on and on with different friends and relatives until finally she was finished. When I looked at the picture she said, "Look! My writing looks just like your grocery list!" I usually write my lists in cursive, so I'm pretty sure that's what she was trying to copy. She doodles and has conversations like this all the time now!

One day the girls were busy playing together in their rooms. Once things quieted down I started to wonder what was going on back there--and I came around the corner to find this:


And then they told me, "Go away because we're busy reading to our animals."

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Joel bought this slip-n-slide before Larkin was even walking. Yes, you read that right.

There's just something about childhood and slip-n-slides that go together, and Joel was not going to wait around for it to get started! We tried it last year but this is the first year that the girls are old enough to really enjoy it. Joel likes to say that he's "perfected" it by setting it up on our inclined front lawn, and he sits at the top (usually with a beer in hand!) and pushes them down with one arm!

Face full of water!

Slip-n-slides haven't changed much in 20 years-- you still slide right off!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lake Travis

We took the girls to Muleshoe Bend Park today and swam in Lake Travis. Unfortunately I forgot my swimsuit, but Joel and the girls (and Harley!) did lots of swimming!

Thanks to Daddy's coaching, the girls can now distinguish between ski boats, fishing boats, and jet skis. They loved to announce each passing boat with a "HEY! IT'S A SKI BOAT!!"

She sells sea shells by the sea shore...hours of entertainment finding shells!

Hitchin' a ride on Daddy

Harley got some swimming in too. Joel had to carry him out into the deep water and then we all cheered him back to shore. Harley loves to sit in water but hates to swim!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

These are a few of our favorite things...

Riding bikes

Willa has learned how to ride Larkin's bike now--so look out! She can pedal and maneuver herself all around the house. She says she wants her own bike with purple pedals. The girls hop on the bike many, many times each day and do a few laps around the house.

Craft time

We spend at least 1-2 hrs each day sitting at this little table. They love to cut, paste, paint, color--you name it. Usually right after they eat they run right to the table--as you can see here from Willa's peanut butter face!

Pretend play

One morning we decided to have a picnic breakfast in the playroom, and they pretended their blanket was a boat. Here's Willa examining the big fish she just caught. Seconds later Larkin was an eagle and came and ate the fish, and Willa started crying.


I am a sucker for dresses from Costco--so cheap and so cute! I grabbed these for $12 a piece, and if they stay clean, the girls will probably wear them to Ryan's rehearsal dinner in August. Or at least that's how I rationalized buying them! I do not remember the last time I saw Larkin in shorts--she refuses to wear them, and every morning she immediately picks out her outfit for the day--and it's ALWAYS a dress, or at least a skirt! Willa is starting to follow in Larkin's footsteps and is getting particular about what she's wearing.