Sunday, November 29, 2009

give the girl some cake!

Here's a cute pic of Willa at her friend Liam's (doctor themed) birthday party. She does this face a lot now and usually exhales, pushes up her fat cheeks and frowns, and says, "I'm sad." I'm pretty sure she was sad in this pic because she wanted the cake but had to wait a bit!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Is it Christmas now??

For Thanksgiving, we went to Cat-mama and Papa's house. Despite their excellent cooking, the girls hardly ate any turkey (they are going to be vegetarians, I just know it!)...but they did chow down on the marshmallow topped sweet potatoes! On the drive home, Larkin said, "Thanksgiving is over, so is it Christmas now? Is Santa coming tomorrow?!?"

At 6:30 this morning Larkin was up and at it, and begging Daddy to put up the Christmas tree and the lights outside. By noon we had the tree up, decorated, and all the lights in the front yard up as well!! While we were assembling the tree, Willa was on the back deck helping to bring in the tree pieces. I heard Larkin say, "Daddy, Willa is watering the tree!!" We came out to find this:

While decorating the tree, the girls took a few breaks to dance together to the Christmas music. They love to hold hands and dance in a circle.

Now that all the decorations are up (and 80% of my shopping is already done!) we're going to have to find lots of holiday activities to keep us busy these next few weeks. Hurry up, Santa!!
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Here's a few more pics that we took recently--

Willa building a huge tower of blocks with Cat-mama. She started building it from the very bottom, then ran and got her step-stool all by herself. I didn't quite capture it on film, but she had a look of total concentration while stacking each and every block sky-high!

Eventally it toppled onto Cat-mama and she thought that was hilarious!
One night the girls got into the stash of wire hangers, and they stuck them on every knob in the house!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Welcome to the fam, Jaime!

Joel's brother Ryan is now engaged! Ryan (a fishing guide) took his girlfriend Jaime musky fishing-after she caught a musky he told her to take his picture holding the fish...if you look closely, you can see that he has the ring on his finger in this pic! Then after she took the picture (she was oblivious about the ring), he proposed!
Their wedding will be next August in Wisconsin. Joel is the best man, and the girls are going to be flower girls! Larkin can't wait to get her dress-she keeps telling me, "Mommy, let's get ready for the wedding!!"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Terrible Cough!"

Well I returned from NYC on a Monday, and by Tuesday both girls had pretty bad colds! Larkin is back to normal now, but Willa's cold turned into an ear infection (just like every other cold she's ever had--this girl is a good candidate for ear tubes soon). The antibiotics weren't working on her and so they upped her to a stronger medicine today. We're hoping to have our old Willa back soon-she has been MISERABLE. We've spent a lot of time on the couch. It's felt like I have an infant again-she wants to be carried everywhere and I can't get anything done because I'm constantly carrying her!! She even fell asleep on me two or three times-something she hasn't done in over a year.

Larkin has been very sweet and tries hard to comfort Willa when she cries. There were a few times though when all Willa wanted to do was sit in my lap and whimper, and Larkin would say, "Willa, why don't you want to play with me? Play with me! Come on! Let's play my little ponies!! You can be Sarah!" You know she's being sweet when she lets Willa be her favorite pony!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Well my trip away was a success for everyone! Joel did a great job with the girls and had everyone under control for 4 full days! The girls asked for me on the first day, but after that they settled into a (busy) routine and didn't seem to miss me too much! I must say though that I think the three of them bonded quite a bit while I was gone--the past couple days the girls have really missed him when he's away at work and keep talking about all the fun things they did together!

Joel kept the girls very entertained-they went to the zoo, listened to live music at Central Market for dinner, a Celtic festival with our friends Matt and Emily (and daughter Daphne), Cat-mama and Papa's house, the park, etc. He was even able to convince Larkin to finally change out of her dress that she'd been wearing for 5 days (and nights!) straight--a real accomplishment--she was obsessed with this dress!! :)

My trip went very well--all my flights were on time and it was so nice to just not have any responsibility for a few days!! With all the down-time traveling on the plane, subway, trains, etc., I was even able to finish the last 500 pages of my 600 page book!

One of the first things we did while I was there was to get a haircut--awesome that I did not have to arrange a babysitter or coordinate with Joel's schedule!!! Patrick kept me very busy touring NYC, and I have the sore leg muscles to prove it. I had been there before once with Joel, so many of the touristy sites I had already seen--but we did do some things that were on my list, like the Metropolitan Museum (got to put my Art History classes to use!). We saw a lot of Dutch paintings, Impressionist art, and a really neat photography exhibit. That place is huge though and it would take you a week to see it all!

Pat lives on Staten Island, which is a 25 min ferry ride from Manhattan. Here's a pic of a Fort Wadsworth, which is on Staten Island. This fort is at the entrance of NY harbor and protected NY city for 200 yrs.
Here's me freezing my tookus off underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. It was really cold the first day of my trip, but after that it stayed in the low 60s.

Pat and Sara's live on the top floor of a house that was built in the late 1800's or early 1900's...I can't remember when, but it's an old house! This is the view out of their living room window--a huge Catholic church, but if you look off in the distance you can see Manhattan. It was a little hazy on this day, so downtown is not super clear-but on clear days the view was great!

Here's a pic of Patrick in front of his work-his office is on Broadway. The day I arrived, there was a ticker tape parade for the Yankees who just won the World Series. Sara also works on Broadway, and had to get to her office by 6am to avoid the crowds and get into her building. The parade goes down Broadway and people started finding spots along the parade route at 2am. CRAAAAZY fans. We walked down the street the day after the parade, and there was paper EVERYWHERE!! You can see some of it leftover here on the ground the following day, but this picture in no way does justice to the amount of paper that we saw!!

Sara is a lawyer and was in the midst of a "fire drill" at work (her term for when things get super busy and she has to work a lot on the weekend!) so I didn't get to see her too much, but we did go to a Broadway show together. We saw West Side Story. Everyone always says that you HAVE TO see a show when you go to NYC, and now I understand why. I've never been a fan of musicals (at least not in the movie format), but West Side Story was amazing! The singing, dancing, and costumes were so beautiful to watch and it was fun to just "check-out" for a while mentally and get sucked into the show!

Here's the three of us in Times Square.

We also ate tons of great food-- toured "Little India" and had the best Indian food ever (my favorite), went to Katz's deli, and had lots of pizza and bagels!

There are a few other things that we did, but I've run out of time to tell it all. My vacation is most definitely over--Willa is here trying to type on the computer and her finger is moving dangerously close to the power key...back to reality!!

Thanks Pat and Sara for a great trip!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Off to the Big Apple

Well I'm leaving tomorrow to New York City to visit Uncle Patrick and Aunt Sara--and the girls will be staying with Mr. Mom. Joel is excited to take some time off and be a full time parent for a few days! I'm excited to sightsee and actually sleep in past 7am!!!!

Willa cried a little bit and said she wanted to come with me, and Larkin didn't seem phased at all that I was leaving--she just wants me to be sure and bring her back a special present--specifically a pink dress that twirls!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Let the primping begin!

Today Larkin spent well over 30 minutes in the bathroom brushing her hair. She kept wetting the brush and brushing her hair- "Look! How beautiful! I'm brushing my hair and it's getting longer! It's long like Emily's!" (Emily is Daphne's mom and our neighbor)

Then Willa decided to join her and they both crammed themselves into our tiny guest bathroom on top of a teeny-tiny step-stool. I heard lots of "Give me some space!!" and "I use the brush, you use the comb! Don't touch my brush!" and even a "Stop wasting water!"

By the time they were done the bathroom floor was covered in water droplets and their heads were soaking wet...but they were "boody-full!"